Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Just Another Day...

A cool breeze is blowing by outside, the skies are blue, and the sun is beating down at a comfortable 82 degrees. What better day could anyone ask for? Well, i suppose its the perfect day to stop by the store because we had non-stop visitors today.

Nana and her "coolguy" hat... or should i say, "coolgirl."

Camille who was amazingly surprised with Hesco's manicure skills.

Coco and her... well, you get the picture.

Lastly, some of our Rosewood team went to see a taping of MTV's "America's Best Dance Crew." And before they took off, Marlene pulled one of these posters out of the trunk of her car.

...too bad they never made it to the show. Turns out they arrived late and ended up having dinner at Pink's Hotdogs. Man, i could go for one RIGHT NOW.
