Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pre Black Friday Sale

Well we are tryin to get everyone ready for the Holidays and people will be in those best buy lines so we're doing you guys a favor and starting a lil early. so come by and take advantage before someone else does

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Awthentik Vibes

Big up to The Awthentik Vibes Crew...aside from our very own DJ Ralphy Ralph these are the other DJ's at out bbq's that bring that good music along with MC Mondo Genius. Peep out their podcast for some easy listening.

Dont forget to come through to the Tangier next Friday and chill

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

2008 WSOP Champion

If you dont know what WSOP stands for, its short for World Series of Poker and yes there is a world series for this. As we all know poker has grown tremendously through these past few years and I know for damn sure a lot of you play. (holla at me if u wanna get a game crackin). Any way tonight was the final table for the Main event and after going through close to 8,000 players one comes out as the victor. His name is Peter Eastgate a 22 year young Danish Poker pro. His first place pay out is a cool $9,152,416, I would love to be in his shoes right now. Congrats to the winner!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time for change

Introducing our 44th president of The United States of America... Barack Obama. A landslide win over Senator John McCain with 390 electoral votes vs. McCain's 130. Everyone did their part and voted. As we can see the best man for the job won and history has been made as the first African American in office.

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