After six months of rigourous training and relentless insults, Aaron Delrosario is back from the Navy. He's here on a short vacation before being sent to Hawaii to serve his remaining tenure. He came to the shop to say "hi" and tell us how he's been. We're all glad that he's doing well and that he is happy to proudly serve this country. Thank you for all you've done Aaron; we're all grateful for all you've done for this country. We hope you continue to succeed and we pray that you remain safe and healthy.
After a little catching up, i asked him if he wanted to help us out by modeling our new Freshjive. He declined at first, but after i wrestled him to the floor and put him in an armbar, he gave in. I accomplished one of my 54,465 goals in life: wrestle a navy seaman to submission.
Once again, to see all of our colors and styles you've got to come by the shop! ...its kind of fun keeping people at the edge of their seats.
Check out Aaron's own blog at! Maybe you'll see him fire off a SCUD missle... or something like that.
-Johnny Lance